
Conferences Online for Allergy (COLA) is a collaborative program between the College, Dr. Jay Portnoy and Children’s Mercy Kansas City. COLA videos provide free access to allergy-related educational experiences for the practicing and academic allergist as well as for primary-care providers and the general public. For the full listing of COLA offerings, you can check out YouTube or iTunes.

Select COLA videos have been approved for CME Credit for a small fee. Every quarter, the College offers one free COLA CME program to members. This quarter's free CME is Oral Challenges for Food with M. Nanda, MD (recorded Sep 18, 2017)

Click on a topic name...Click on a month...



image Anaphylaxis/Angioedema 
image Drug Allergy (includes vaccines)
Eye Diseases
image Food Allergy
Gastrointestinal Diseases (including Eosinophilic Esophagitis)
image Immunlogic Disorders
image Practice Management/Professional Issues
image Pulmonary Disease
image Rhinosinusitis
image Skin Diseases
Stinging Insect Allergy



image January
image March
