CMEThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.Joint Providership ProgramThis service is designed to assist non-accredited local, state and regional societies in offering accredited CME activities to their membership. Click here for a detailed description of the benefits of the program and additional service options.An application must be completed and submitted to the ACAAI Education Dept for all prospective CME activities. All applications are reviewed by the ACAAI Education Committee. Review and approval of any application is contingent upon receipt of required information. If you are interested in the Joint Providership Program please complete the meeting notification below no later than five (5) months before your activity. For questions, do not hesitate to contact Katy Allen at or 847-725-2269. Meeting Notification Activity date(s) * Must apply no later than 5 months before your activity Organization name * Email address * Phone number * Will you require commercial support (educational grants) * Yes No Fees Accreditation$2500(Optional) Online RegistrationPlease call for more information(Optional) CE Nursing Credit$250(Optional) 1-5 Grant Application$150 each(Optional) 6 or more Grant Applications$300 each Joint Providership ResourcesACAAI Joint Providership Program DescriptionIndividual CME Activity Disclosure Form (Speaker/Planner)Individual CME Activity Disclosure Form (Speaker/Planner) (emailable)Form 1 CME Activity ApplicationForm 2 Educational Grant RequestForm 3 Compiled Disclosure Form for Planners, Speakers, ModeratorsForm 4 Budget templateForm 5 Presentation ReviewDisclosure PageForm 6 Attendance List templateForm 7 CME Activity Evaluation SummaryForm 8 Transfer of Value to Physicians ListForm 9 Pharma List (for grant funding)CME Slide TemplatesLearning Objectives ToolGuidelines for Save-the-Dates, Preliminary & Final Program documentsStandard EvaluationCommitment to Change Right click on a file and select Save link as... Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.