The College is happy to provide our members with real-world allergy practice management advice packaged in bite-sized chunks that can be quickly implemented in your practice. We know how busy you are, so each module takes only about 15 minutes. You can take these modules anytime, anywhere, according to your schedule and what you need to learn today. All modules are free to College members, with a nominal fee for non-members.

Allergy Office: Essentials
This group of six individual modules focuses on allergy practice improvement strategies in six key areas:

  • Reducing no-shows (updated 06/2024)
  • Hiring and onboarding (updated 05/2024)
  • Managing employees (updated 06/2024)
  • Patient financial counseling (updated 06/2024)
  • Front desk training (updated 06/2024)
  • Credit card on file

Allergy Office: Billing Biologics ABCs
Find out how to manage the billing and administration of biologics in your practice.

Allergy Office: Clinical Research
Learn whether implementing a clinical research program is a good fit for your practice.

Allergy Office: Coding 95165
Learn how to code for 95165.

Allergy Office: Coding for Allergy Testing
Learn how to successfully code for various types of allergy testing.

Allergy Office: Coding for Immunotherapy
Learn how to properly code for immunotherapy, including SCIT, SLIT, venom, rush and cluster.

Allergy Office: Integrating NPs/PAs (updated 07/2024)
Learn how NPs and PAs can add value to allergy practices.

Allergy Office: Optimizing Schedules
Learn how to optimize your scheduling.

Allergy Office: Staffing for Efficiency
Learn how to use staffing best practices to improve practice efficiency in your allergy practice.

Allergy Office: Using Social Media and Managing Your Online Reputation
Learn how to use social media to engage, educate and attract patients to your allergy practice.