On Demand 2016 Saturday General Sessions
You can earn up to 17.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.
This collection covers general sessions from Saturday's program. This includes plenaries, symposia, and workshops. The sessions listed below are included in this package.
- Preschool Child With Acute Episodic Wheeze Should Be Treated With Oral Corticosteroids
- W14 - Living With An Itch: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment
- Integrative Medicine in Allergy Practice: Evidence-based Complementary Modalities
- Life and Diet for Infants After LEAP
- The Great Raft Debate: The Best Treatment for Food Allergy Is…
- W11 - Food Allergies: What's New in Prevention and Treatment
- Keynote Session: Preserving the Essence of Practicing Allergy
- W9 - Immunotherapy 2016: SCIT, SLIT and More!
- W10 - Gadgets & Gizmos: Using Technology in Your Practice
- W8 - Advocacy Council 2016 Update on Coding: What You Need to Know
- W13 - Difficult to Control Rhinitis and Rhinosinusitis: What the Experts Do
Release Date: 12/01/2016
Expiration Date: 11/30/2019
The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) designates this enduring material for a maximum of 17.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the current evidence regarding the efficacy of oral corticosteroids as a therapy for acute episodic wheeze among preschool children
- Describe the limitations of the current studies investigating oral corticosteroids efficacy among preschool children
- Propose when and for whom oral corticosteroids should be used
- Develop strategies for allergist and dermatologist co-management of patients with itch
- Outline an evidence based therapeutic ladder for management of itch
- Describe the importance of good nutrition – calories, vitamins, minerals and the impact of deficiencies/imbalances on allergic inflammatory pathways
- Describe the approaches for assessment of stress and how mindfulness can be taught in office
- Describe the rationale for an integrative approach to care that addresses the whole patient. This approach includes nutrition and supplements, exercise, stress reduction and acupuncture
- Identify which children are at highest risk of developing peanut allergy and of receiving the most benefit from early peanut introduction as a food allergy preventative strategy
- Recommend means for facilitating safe introduction of peanut
- Recommend strategies regarding the timing of introduction of other potential food allergens in the infant diet
- Discuss the effectiveness of advising food avoidance and providing an anaphylaxis action plan
- Describe new food allergy treatments that are likely to be FDA-approved in the next 5 years
- Describe current primary prevention strategies and how additional primary prevention efforts may lead to a reduction in the prevalence of food allergy
- Examine the current guidelines for the prevention of food allergy
- Compare therapeutic strategies under investigation for food allergy
- Describe the latest evidence comparing the efficacy of SLIT and SCI
- Appreciate recent changes in the health care landscape as they apply to the daily lives and well-being of allergists in practice
- Reaffirm the value of direct contact between allergists and their patients, including as a source of long-term career satisfaction
- Explain the differences between subcutaneous, sublingual and other forms of allergy immunotherapy for the purpose of therapeutic extracts related to patient care, including health care outcomes research which involves benefits related to the optimal dosing and use of immunotherapy
- Write prescriptions for immunotherapy which contain safe and effective doses of each component according to current guidelines and best clinical practice for the benefit of patient care
- Discuss various technology options that can be integrated within their practice
- Effectively search for and utilize medical apps for clinical care and patient education
- Find resources to stay updated/get involved with the medical technology community
- Explain why the conversion to ICD-10 occurred and why correct coding is important
- Identify and coordinate ICD-10 and CPT codes
- Identify ICD-10 codes that were not used in the past, but that may be helpful in the future
- Identify new ICD-10 codes that may be needed in the future
- Describe the major anatomical findings in the upper airway
- Identify normal and abnormal anatomy, disease presentations and post-op findings
- Identify indications for use of the rhinoscope in the allergist’s office
- Describe newer techniques for the diagnosis and management of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis in the clinical setting
- Discuss complementary methods for the treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis as well as novel therapeutics which have been shown to be safe and effective for treatment of these common conditions.
Available Credit
- 17.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 17.00 Attendance
- 3.75 MOC