Allergen Extract Mixing Quiz: Non-members 2017
Price: $100 non-members, $25 for staff of current College members
The Allergenic Extract Quiz was developed to demonstrate that those preparing extract are doing so in a sterile manner and are following the current USP Chapter 797 guidelines and extract preparation guidelines. A physician instruction guide was also developed as a tool to help prepare staff for taking the quiz.
Successful completion of the written quiz demonstrates specific training and knowledge of mixing extracts and fulfills one component of the Allergen Immunotherapy Extract Preparation educational process. In addition, a media fill test must also be completed by each preparer of extract vials. The media fill test is an actual, physical demonstration that the extract preparer can transfer material, in a sterile fashion, from one vial to another.
These tools are available inside the quiz once you enroll in the course.
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recommends those preparing extract complete these two processes annually.