AllergyTalk Episode 44 (Non-CME) – How Does Tryptase Genetics Affect Food Allergy Reactions?
Price: FREE for members and non-members
CME is not offered for this episode
Speakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Shyam Joshi, MD
AllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date onthe latest advances in the field of allergy and immunology.
The following AllergyWatch articles are covered in this episode:
1. Outcomes of oral food challenges in a real-world setting, with predictors of outcomes.
2. Severe food allergy reactions are associated with α-tryptase.
3. Association of a Housing Mobility Program With Childhood Asthma Symptoms and Exacerbations.
Target Audience
Primary Care Providers
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this podcast, the participant should be able to:
1. Name which tryptase isoforms are associated with severe food allergy.
2. Discuss the effect of housing assistance on childhood asthma outcomes
All relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies have been mitigated.
Gerald Lee, MD
Speaker: Novartis
Stanley Fineman, MD
Speaker: Takeda; Researcher: DBV, Novartis, Alladapt
Shyam Joshi, MD
Advisor: Genentech, Sanofi & Regeneron, Novartis, Takeda
Consultant, Executive Role: Nectar Allergy