This 1-day course will focus on compliance with the newly revised USP Chapter 797. This course is designed to help you implement the new guidelines for the preparation of allergen extract treatments and provide the resources to assist allergy practices in meeting the standards. You will receive hands-on training on garbing, and the gloved fingertip and media-fill tests. Lunch and all supplies are included. Seating is limited.


  • Allergens and Standardization
  • The Changing Environment in Allergy and Immunology
  • USP 797 and the Current Regulations regarding Mixing
  • The Allergenic Extracts Compounding Area (AECA) and Paperwork
  • Understanding the Potential Safety Issues in the Mixing Room
  • Garbing to USP 797 Guidance Standards
  • Gloved fingertip test
  • Media-fill test 

Times and pricing available April 3.