Thanks for reviewing the College Learning Connection and helping to improve the user experience of the site!

Before you begin, make sure you are logged in to the CLC. When you navigate to the page: look to see if your first name is showing in the upper right corner. If not, click on Log in in the upper right corner. Then sign in using your College username and password.

Main Page

After signing in, you should be on the main page of the College Learning Connection. Here is where your review should begin.  Consider the following questions:

Main Menu

Click on the various main menu items (Course Catalog, Resources, For Joint Providers, For Faculty, MOC, About, Contact Us, On Demand Video) and see what is contained within each. Return to the main page by clicking the Main page link on any subsequent section.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
The categories in the menu are useful and relevant
The content in the section makes intuitive sense
The listed order makes sense
Is there anything missing in the main menu or other comments you would like to share?
Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
The slide show is a good place to learn about the CLC
Are there items missing from the slide show that you feel should be included?
Any other thoughts about the slide show section?
Do the content blocks provide useful information? Are there other things that might be of use?
Do you have any other thoughts about the design of the main page before we move to the individual sections?

Next, let's move to the individual sections: 

  • Course Catalog
  • We can skip Resources as we've spent a lot of time there 
  • For Joint Providers is a specific need group, so we can skip that too
  • For Faculty
  • MOC
  • Transcript

In the CLC window you have open, click on the Course Catalog in the main menu. Spend some time paging through the catalog. Try the filters at the top and the sorting links in the table header.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
The Course Catalog was easy to use
The filters and sorting were helpful
What's missing from the Course Catalog that might help make it more useful? Any other thoughts?
Are the resources in this section helpful? Anything missing or other thoughts?
Is the MOC information helpful? Other information that should be included or other thoughts?

From any page, click on the My account link in the upper right corner. Now click on the MY LEARNING tab. This is your transcript of College CME activity. You can review your completed activity, your courses in progress, and any self-reported credits (not that common).

Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agree
The transcript was easy to find
The transcript information is useful
Is there transcript info you wish was included? Any other thoughts about the transcript?