Explore these archived Perfecting Practice webinars which are free to College members. They cover a wide range of topics – everything from social media strategies for allergists to billing and coding. There’s something for everyone.
- Allergy Practice Financial Benchmarking – Kevin McGrath, MD, FACAAI, reviews allergy-specific practice cost and revenue data from the 2017 MGMA Cost & Revenue survey. (Sept. 19, 2017)
- Allergy Testing Billing & Coding – Allen Goldsobel, MD, FACAAI and Carminia Lopez, discuss why allergy practices need to focus on both coding and billing practices to maximize reimbursement for allergy testing. (Aug. 29, 2018)
- Bedside vs. Webside Manner: Advances in Telehealth for Allergists – Telehealth can improve access to care and health outcomes, but what are the challenges? What is the current telemedicine landscape and how can it work for allergy practices? (Dec. 6, 2017)
- Beyond E&M Coding: Procedures and More - James Tracy, DO, FACAAI, Jennifer Kuehn, CPC, and Jean Owen, MBA, CT (ASCP) discuss E&M coding and how and when to do procedures/tests on the same day as an E&M visit. (June 4, 2019)
- Best Practices in Office Collections - Jason Biddy, MBA, administrator for Alabama Allergy and Asthma Center, tackles this delicate topic. (Oct. 20, 2015)
- Billing, Coding and Your Bottom Line – Gary Gross, MD, FACAAI, addresses allergy coding questions. (Feb. 23, 2017)
- Biologic Basics: Pearls, Profits and Pitfalls – James Tracy, DO, FACAAI, and Jennifer Kuehn, CPC, discuss options for providing biologics to patients, as well as tips and tricks from a practice that uses both "buy and bill" and specialty pharmacies to provide biologics. (June 21, 2018)
- Compliance Program Updates--Debt Collections and Medicare Requirements - Kay Tyler, CEO of Family Allergy & Asthma, will get you up to speed on the many changes to compliance programs. (Jan. 27, 2016)
- Demystify Coding for Food Oral Immunotherapy - James Sublett, MD, FACAAI, This 30 minute webinar will explain how to offices can get paid for offering food oral immunotherapy (OIT), (Sep. 4, 2019)
- Empathic Communication: Yes, you can teach it! – This webinar will define empathic communication and identify strategies for employees and physicians to improve communication with patients, families, and each other. (Aug. 29, 2017)
- Everything you wanted to know about CPT 95165 – Billing for allergy extract (95165) is becoming limited across a broad spectrum of insurance carriers. This webinar addresses one of the most important topics for allergists. (Feb. 20, 2018)
- Financial Trends for Allergists - This webinar reviews the latest Allergy/Immunology financial data from the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), (Sep. 25, 2018)
- Getting Started in Practice - Stanley Fineman, MD, MBA, FACAAI, and J. Allen Meadows, MD, FACAAI, give allergists of any age tips on starting a new practice. (March 29, 2016, Updated Aug. 2019)
- How to be an Advocate for Allergists - Stephen Imbeau MD, FACAAI and John Seyerle MD, FACAAI will address how allergists can impact issues important to the future of allergy by advocating at the local, state and federal level. (Dec. 7, 2016)
- Human Resources Basics for Today's Allergy Practices - Kay Tyler, CEO of Family Allergy & Asthma, discusses the must-have policies and procedures for your practice. (Aug. 12, 2015)
- Immunotherapy Coding Essentials - Our coding experts, M. Razi Rafeeq, MD, FACAAI and Mike Tankersley, MD, MBA, FACAAI, do a deep dive into the coding for various types of immunotherapy. (Jul. 18, 2019)
- Is the sky falling? Be a SURVIVOR! – In our everchanging world of medicine, we believe there are issues that hit practicing allergists especially hard. This webinar will help provide the information needed for you to strengthen your practice model. (Sep. 28, 2017)
- Let's Cycle Through Revenue Cycle Management - Kay Tyler, MBA and Tom Derrico walk through the key steps of a successful revenue cycle management process to help you capture every dollar you’re owed. (April 9, 2019)
- Marketing Magic - Michael Rupp, MD, FACAAI and John Tole, DO, FACAAI show you how you can give your allergy practice a boost by promoting it to patients, physicians and the community. (Mar. 21, 2019)
- New Allergists to FITs: What We Wish We Would Have Known at Graduation - Meagan Shepherd, MD, FACAAI, and Sarah Spriet, DO, give advice to young allergists.
- Optimize your allergy office – Practice Management Committee experts discuss ways to make your practice more efficient and give examples from their practices. (Nov. 1, 2018)
- Optimize Your Office Operations – Consultant and LEAN management expert Owen Dahl challenges you to think about your practice and ways to improve your operations. (April 6, 2017)
- Practice Manager Roundtable – The roundtable features a Q&A with two allergy practice management experts. (May 1, 2018)
- Social Media Strategies for Allergists – David Stukus, MD, FACAAI, dives into what allergists need to know to succeed on social media. (July 19, 2016)
- USP & me: steps to implement the new extract mixing standards – Bryan Martin, DO, FACAAI, and James Sublett, MD, FACAAI advise you of the steps your practice needs to take to be compliant with the new allergen extract mixing rule. (August 28, 2019)