First name Last name Resource section(s) reviewed * Please indicate which resource section(s) you reviewed. Anaphylaxis Food Allergy Practice Management and Professional Issues Skin Diseases Stinging Insect Allergy Drug Allergy Gastrointestinal Disorders Pulmonary Diseases Immunological Disorders Rhinosinusitis Based on your review, how would you rate... PoorFairGoodExcellent Quality of the available resources Quality of the available resources - Poor Quality of the available resources - Fair Quality of the available resources - Good Quality of the available resources - Excellent Quantity of the resources Quantity of the resources - Poor Quantity of the resources - Fair Quantity of the resources - Good Quantity of the resources - Excellent Relevance of the resources to your practice Relevance of the resources to your practice - Poor Relevance of the resources to your practice - Fair Relevance of the resources to your practice - Good Relevance of the resources to your practice - Excellent Are there gaps in the availble resources? Please state the resource topic and describe the gap. Are there resources you would recommend adding? Name the resource area and describe the resource to add. Please provide a link, if possible. Are there any resources that should be removed? Please name the resource topic, provide the name of the resource to remove, and an explanation. Leave this field blank