Resource Topic Areas
The Learning Connection offers links to curated allergy and immunology resources from the College and reliable sources outside the College. There may or may not be a fee and/or credit for these resources. Please see the Course Catalog for College CME programs and webinars. The Practice Parameters page also includes interactive eParameters. The College also has a selection of Board Review materials.
Anaphylaxis/AngioedemaNew advances, simulated patient encounters, HAE, prophylaxis. | Drug AllergyIncludes vaccines, diagnosis and treatment of adverse drug reactions. | Eye DiseasesNone currently available. |
Food AllergyTesting in children, cow's milk, peanuts, patch testing. | Gastrointestinal DisordersIncludes Eosinophilic Esophagitis. | Immunology & Immunologic DisordersImmunotherapy, genetics, air pollution, immunodeficiency, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis |
Pediatric Allergy SupplementFrom the American Academy of Pediatrics Journal with support from the College. | Practice Management & Professional IssuesResources for coding & reimbursement, risk management, financial and operational management, quality, patient safety, PQRS and ethics. | Pulmonary DiseasesAERD, asthma, pneumonitis, indoor allergens. |
RhinosinusitisCo-morbitities, vocal cord dysfunction, allergic/nonallergic, rhinovirus. | Skin DiseasesTopics include chronic idiopathic urticaria, testing, eczema, latex, AD. | Stinging Insect AllergyVenom hypersensitivity. |