Quality of Instruction * PoorFairGoodExcellent Learning Objectives were met Learning Objectives were met - Poor Learning Objectives were met - Fair Learning Objectives were met - Good Learning Objectives were met - Excellent Quality of the Content Quality of the Content - Poor Quality of the Content - Fair Quality of the Content - Good Quality of the Content - Excellent Quality of Presentation Quality of Presentation - Poor Quality of Presentation - Fair Quality of Presentation - Good Quality of Presentation - Excellent Scientific Integrity Scientific Integrity - Poor Scientific Integrity - Fair Scientific Integrity - Good Scientific Integrity - Excellent Held My Interest Held My Interest - Poor Held My Interest - Fair Held My Interest - Good Held My Interest - Excellent Relevant to My Practice Relevant to My Practice - Poor Relevant to My Practice - Fair Relevant to My Practice - Good Relevant to My Practice - Excellent Appropriate Level of Difficulty Appropriate Level of Difficulty - Poor Appropriate Level of Difficulty - Fair Appropriate Level of Difficulty - Good Appropriate Level of Difficulty - Excellent Worth My Time Worth My Time - Poor Worth My Time - Fair Worth My Time - Good Worth My Time - Excellent Overall Rating Overall Rating - Poor Overall Rating - Fair Overall Rating - Good Overall Rating - Excellent My Recommendation to Colleagues My Recommendation to Colleagues - Poor My Recommendation to Colleagues - Fair My Recommendation to Colleagues - Good My Recommendation to Colleagues - Excellent Did any of the speakers have commercial bias? * Yes No Please provide more detail about the bias observed * Was any off-label (investigational/experimental) use discussed? * Yes No Was this disclosed to the learners? * Yes No Please identify the speaker and explain * Based on the content of this session/activity, what will you do differently in the care of your patients? * Implement a change in my practice Seek additional information on this topic Do nothing differently. Current practice reflects activity recommendations. Do nothing differently as the content was not convincing. Do nothing differently; primary barriers prevent me from changing my practice. Not applicable. I do not see patients with the condition discussed or I do not see patients in my current position. If you plan to implement a change(s) in your practice, please identify what that change(s) will be. * Please indicate the primary barriers preventing change * Lack of evidence-based guidelines Lack of applicability of guidelines to my current practice/patients Lack of time Insurance/Financial Organizational/Institutional Patient adherence/Compliance Treatment related to adverse events Not applicable. I don't see patients with the condition discussed or I don't see patients in my current position. Other... Please indicate the primary barriers preventing change Other... Based on educational needs, please provide healthcare or professional gaps that should be addressed in future educational activities and that may be applicable to your practice * As a result of this activity, the presentations helped close my knowledge gap. * Yes No Please describe any ways we might improve this educational activity Was there any speaker that stood out as exceptional? Was there any speaker that may need some improvement? Additional comments Please indicate your professional title * MD/DO PharmD PhD RN NP PA Other... Please indicate your professional title Other... How many years have you been in practice? * 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years More than 15 years How many patients do you manage weekly? * 0-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 More than 100 Leave this field blank