Practice Parameters

Practice parameters, as developed by the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, are documents that establish boundaries for appropriate patient care. They acknowledge the range or variations that currently take place in the allergy community regarding management of allergic conditions and use of procedures to diagnose and treat these conditions. They attempt to promote consistency in practice while allowing for variable approaches based on individual patient differences using evidence from the medical literature to achieve good clinical practice. 

To view the practice parameters, please visit the Insect Allergy Practice Parameters page.

Curated Resources

Below is a list of selected resources for this topic area that the College has discovered and believes are relevant to our members. These resources are curated by the College but are not directly developed or administered by the College. For the learning activities developed by the college for this topic, please visit the Course Catalog.


WAO Online Learning Module: Case Studies of Insect Venom Hypersensitivity image

Delivery MethodOwner YearCMECostNotes
E-Learning World Allergy Organization (WAO) 2014 0.50 $0.00 Active until April 30, 2017
Upon completion of this module,, you will be able to: 1. Understand the prevalence and characteristics of Hymenoptera stings; 2) Distinguish the difference between Systemic Anaphylaxis and other reactions to Hymenoptera stings; 3) Understand the indications and appropriate technique of diagnostic testing for suspected Hymenoptera allergy; 4) Differentiate the risk factors associated with anaphylaxis and how they apply to evaluation and therapy; and 5) Learn how Mast Cell Clonal Disorders can increase the risk of Hymenoptera anaphylaxis and impact the approach to management.

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