Coding (Select all that apply)
Our providers and billing staff understand and have implemented the E&M coding rules effective January 2021 that base E&M codes on either medical decision making or time.
We understand how to bill for extract preparation and administration, including Medicare rules for 95165 and Medically Unlikely Edits. We understand billing for commercial payers vs. Medicare and how to handle limits and denials.
We understand how to bill for allergen immunotherapy (SLIT and SCIT), including conventional, cluster and rush immunotherapy. We know how to bill for venom immunotherapy.
We can appropriately code for various types of allergy testing, including oral challenges, local anesthetics, venoms, penicillin and patch testing.
None of the above
Practice Efficiency and Profitability (Select all that apply)
Our practice uses financial benchmarking to help track practice performance. We track and report key revenue cycle, practice profitability and provider performance metrics regularly.
We use smart staffing and scheduling to maximize practice efficiencies.
We optimize our office space to improve workflow and patient experience.
We take advantage of technology.
None of the above
Allergen Extract Mixing (Select all that apply)
We are familiar with the final USP Chapter 797 rule and its requirements.
The physician(s) who oversee allergy extract mixing and all staff who mix extracts take the College allergen extract mixing quiz annually.
Staff that mix extract complete an annual competency assessment, which includes gloved fingertip and thumb sampling tests, a media fill test and demonstrated understanding of proper extract storage, labelling, hand hygiene, PPE, room cleaning requirements, and more.
We are familiar and compliant with the requirements for an Allergenic Extracts Compounding Area (AECA) or an ISO Class 5 Primary Engineering Control (PEC), and all our allergen extract mixing takes place in one of these areas.
None of the above
Telemedicine (Select all that apply)
Our practice has optimized the telemedicine experience for patients, providers and staff.
We are familiar with state and federal telehealth laws, regulations, provider licensure requirements and reimbursement policies in the states where we practice.
We understand how to correctly code for telemedicine visits.
Our providers know how to conduct a virtual physical exam and how to use webside manner during a telemedicine visit.
None of the above
Prior Authorizations (PAs) (Select all that apply)
Prior authorizations at our practice run efficiently and we have good procedures in place to manage them.
We submit prior authorization requests electronically when possible and leverage technology to streamline the PA process.
We engage patients in the PA process.
When prior authorizations are denied, we use effective strategies to appeal them, including the College’s prior authorization appeal letter generators for specific drug/disease combinations.
None of the above
Marketing / Patient Materials (Select all that apply)
We customize the College’s “Advice From Your Allergist” fact sheets on allergy testing, asthma and more and provide them to patients.
We regularly update our practice info in the College’s Find an Allergist tool to reach patients.
Our website is current, mobile-friendly and provides useful information like registration forms, practice policies, office hours, etc.
We have a practice logo, brand and use consistent messaging to communicate with patients and the public.
We use social media to educate, engage and care for patients.
None of the above
Collections / Revenue Cycle Management (Select all that apply)
We collect patient demographic and insurance information when scheduling appointments. All patients sign a patient financial policy.
We verify insurance benefits prior to the patient’s visit and provide an accurate estimate of a patient’s out-of-pocket costs up front.
We collect patient co-pays and co-insurance at the time of service.
We have an effective internal collection process, and we have clear policies and procedures for sending accounts to outside collection agencies.
None of the above
Human Resources (Select all that apply)
We have written employment policies and procedures (rules on employment, employee relations, compensation and benefits, workplace rules, safety and security requirements and compliance policies).
We have a successful employee recruitment and onboarding strategy.
We have a successful employee motivation, professional development and retention strategy, as well as an employee disciplinary policy.
We set clear behavioral and job-related expectations for employees and have annual (or more frequent) performance reviews.
None of the above
Shared Decision-Making (SDM) (Select all that apply)
Our providers routinely have shared decision-making discussions with patients about the risks and benefits of various treatment options in order to determine the option that best meet their needs.
Our providers are trained in how to have a shared decision-making conversation with patients.
We provide patients with resources and education about various treatment options to facilitate a shared decision-making conversation.
We are familiar with the College’s patient SDM tools that help patients evaluate different treatment options for atopic dermatitis, chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, immunotherapy, peanut OIT, severe adult asthma and severe pediatric asthma.
None of the above
Risk and Compliance (Select all that apply)
We regularly educate staff on federal and state requirements and reporting (e.g., HIPAA, OSHA, fraud and abuse, biohazard, documentation and reporting standards, epidemic response requirements)
We regularly review safety policies and procedures and perform monthly facility safety checks.
We have regular staff training for cybersecurity.
We do an annual risk assessment and have system backup and downtime procedures in place.
None of the above
Biologics (Select all that apply)
We understand the billing and administration options for biologics in our practice, including using a specialty pharmacy, an infusion center or “buy and bill” – and we know what makes financial sense for our practice.
Our providers and staff are knowledgeable about various biologic treatment options, including their indications, dosing, side effects, appropriate ages and more.
Our providers are knowledgeable about available biologic treatment options for asthma.
None of the above
Penicillin (Select all that apply)
We have a standardized process for penicillin allergy testing, which includes testing protocols, supply lists, mixing instructions for testing dilutions and guidelines for treating an acute reaction.
We have all the tools needed for penicillin allergy testing and treatment, including patient consent forms and skin test recording forms.
We understand the appropriate ICD-10 and CPT codes to use for penicillin allergy testing, and we successfully appeal denials for reimbursement.
We use the College’s (or other) customizable tools to educate and communicate with patients, clinicians and payers about the importance of penicillin allergy testing.
None of the above
Peanut OIT (Select all that apply)
Our providers have the information they need to accurately diagnose peanut allergy and provide evidence-based recommendations for management.
We are aware of the College’s Peanut OIT shared decision-making tool, which can help parents, children and allergists decide together whether peanut OIT might be an appropriate treatment option.
We know how to code properly for peanut OIT, including use of ingestion challenge codes, E/M codes and prolonged service codes.
We understand the Peanut OIT protocol requirements to effectively conduct peanut OIT.
None of the above
Practice Parameters and Yardsticks (Select all that apply)
Practice Parameters and/or Yardsticks serve as practical clinical references for our practice and help guide our clinical management decisions.
We know the difference between Practice Parameters and Yardsticks and when to use each resource.
We know Practice Parameters are available for 15 different allergy/immunology topics, and are available in multiple forms: reference articles/guidelines, pocket guides and e-parameters.
We know Yardsticks are available for 6 different topics, and are available in multiple forms: reference articles/guidelines, e-Yardsticks, and webinars.
None of the above