*Covid-19 Coronavirus - What the Allergist Should Know

Get the facts. Join Dr. Niraj Patel for a 30-minute focused overview, with Q & A on what’s known about the virus. Dr. Patel will address the basics of this coronavirus including what it is and how it causes severe disease and death. He will also discuss incubation, transmission and isolation measures and what you can tell your patients. The webinar will wrap up with some time for Q & A.

Dr. Patel is Chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Immunology at Levine Children’s Hospital, in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Dr. Patel established the Charlotte Immunodeficiency Center of Excellence in 2009. He is board certified in pediatrics, pediatric infectious diseases, and allergy and immunology.

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