Gerald Lee, MD; Stanley Fineman, MD, Merin Kalangara, MD

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Show Notes

For today’s episode we will be reviewing articles from the Jan-Feb 2021 issue of Allergy Watch, a bimonthly publication which provides research summaries to College members from the major journals in allergy and immunology. 

To read archived issues of Allergy Watch, head over to  Also, make sure you check out the ACAAI Community on DocMatter where we can continue the discussion about these articles!

Articles Reviewed:

  1. Early life acetaminophen exposure, glutathione S-transferase genes, and development of adolescent asthma in a high-risk birth cohort.
  2. Health Services Utilization Is Increased in Poor Perceivers of Bronchoconstriction and Hyperinflation in Asthma.
  3. Milk allergy most burdensome in multi-food allergic children.

ACAAI is presenting this podcast for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice or intended to replace the judgment of a licensed physician. The College is not responsible for any claims related to procedures, professionals, products or methods discussed in the podcast, and it does not approve or endorse any products, professionals, services or methods that might be referenced.