Keeping Your Practice Viable in Turbulent Times: A Roundtable Discussion

Price: FREE to College members, $25 non-members

COVID-19 has forced allergists to rethink and retool several aspects of their practice. In this roundtable discussion allergy experts from all practice sizes discuss challenges they have faced, strategies they’ve employed to be successful, and what they are doing now to keep their practices viable. Topics include:

  • Growth opportunities to target.
  • Strategies to manage expenses.
  • Operational and safety protocol changes during COVID-19 and beyond.
  • Telemedicine strategies for the future.

Supported by Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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Course summary
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The discussion is moderated by James Tracy, DO, FACAAI, chair of the Advocacy Council of ACAAI. Roundtable participants include Practice Management Committee members Priya Bansal, MD, FACAAI, Charlie Furr, Jr. and Mike Tankersley, MD, MBA, FACAAI.


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